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Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom

Trainings & Workshops

If you're looking for Wisconsin teacher training, check out the great opportunities available through Ag in the Classroom. The training opportunities for Wisconsin teachers, classroom volunteers and anyone else who wants to learn more. You'll find sessions held throughout the year, in numerous locations across the state.

Attendees will learn to incorporate agricultural concepts into curricula, network with fellow educators and obtain free resources for students and classrooms. Wisconsin teachers of all grade levels and subject areas, home school parents, pre-service students and volunteers are invited.

A Recipe for Writing an Agricultural Essay & 2025 Essay contest Virtual Kick-Off Recording

Thursday, November 14
4 PM-5 PM
Cost: FREE

Create a winning recipe for student writing success!

Join Janesville Roosevelt Elementary veteran 4th grade teacher, Carmen Dekok, as she shares her "recipe" to increase her students' writing skills, make community connections and meet ELA and Social Studies standards with the Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Essay Contest!