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Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom

Essay Contest

Wisconsin Agriculture is Fruit-Full

Due Date: April 15, 2024

Thank you for participating in the 2024 Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Essay Contest.

Application process is now closed
Contest Overview
I Love Strawberries

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation - Ag in the Classroom Essay Contest is an opportunity for fourth and fifth grade students to explore Wisconsin history, geography, and economics through the lens of Wisconsin Agriculture. An annual essay prompt challenges students to research and write an informative essay. The contest supports Wisconsin academic standards including English Language Arts and Social Studies. Top essays are recognized at the county, district, and state levels.  The generous support of sponsors and volunteers make this learning opportunity possible each year.

The essay contest gleans the annual theme from the 2024 Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Book of the Year, I Love Strawberries!, by Shannon Anderson.

This year's essay contest focuses on our state's sweetest agriculture industry - fruit!  Wisconsin is the number one producer of cranberries and is a leader in the production of cherries, apples, and strawberries. Our state's history, communities and economy have been brought to fruit-ion through agriculture endeavors.

View the 2024 Contest Essay Guide for the full contest details, support materials including lessons, videos, and resources for the 2024 Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Essay Contest!

For any questions, please contact Beth Schaefer, Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Coordinator, 608-828-5644.

Thank you to our sponsors for providing support for the 2024 Essay Contest!
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
We Energies
2024 Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Essay Contest
Required County Information
  • Essay Coordinator Name, Phone and Email Contact
  • Total number of essays received for EACH grade level
  • Total number of schools/classes that participated in contest
Required Entry Information for EACH essay
  • Student Name
  • Grade Level
  • Essay Word Count
  • School and School District *If entry is private or home schooler, list this info under "district name".
  • Teacher Name
  • Teacher Email
  • School Phone Number

To keep the judging process moving along, we are asking each county submit their results with this online form which will allow for a faster turn around between the county, district and state judging timelines.

Essay Contest Judging Timeline
April 15, 2024
Essays due to County Essay Coordinators
May 1, 2024
County Winning Essays due ELECTRONICALLY to WFBF
May 2, 2024
Winning County Entries will be sent ELECTRONICALLY to judges for District scoring
May 17, 2024
District Contest Results due to WFBF/Ag in the Classroom
May 20, 2024
District Winners and County Coordinators notified; Request for add't student info
District-winning essays sent ELECTRONICALLY to State Judges
District Coordinators deliver district essay contest medals and prizes to counties/students
June 3, 2024
State Judging Results due to WFBF
June 4, 2024
State Winning Essays; Teachers; Coordinators Contacted
July 11, 2024
State Winning Essay Presentation with Sec. Romanski and DATCP Board; County Coordinators, students, families and teachers invited to attend.