Genetic Science Learning Center
The Genetic Science Learning Center provides many teaching tools to supplement lessons on genetics, heredity, cells, cloning, and more. You will find virtual labs and simulations, graphics, and animations.
University of Utah Health Sciences
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- DNA: Expressions in Agriculture
- Inherited Traits in the Living Corn Necklace (Grades 6-8)
- Roll of the Genes
- Design 'Y'er Genes
- Double the Muscle: Probabilities and Pedigrees
- Strawberry Breeding and Genetics
- Plant Propagation
- Inherited Traits in the Living Corn Necklace (Grades 3-5)
- A Recipe for Genetics: Selective Breeding and Bioengineering (Grades 6-8)
- Melons, Mitosis, and Meiosis
- Applying Heredity Concepts
- Use of Biotechnology in Selecting the Right Plants
- Apple Genetics: A Tasty Phenomena
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Organic Foods