The Curious Garden
While out exploring one day, a little boy named Liam discovers a struggling garden and decides to take care of it. As time passes, the garden spreads throughout the dark, gray city, transforming it into a lush, green world.
Peter Brown
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- Growing Plants in Science and Literature, More Than an Empty Pot (Grades K-2)
- Why People Need Plants
- Growing Plants in Science and Literature, More Than an Empty Pot (Grades 3-5)
- Exploring Texture in the Garden (Grades 3-5)
- Exploring Texture in the Garden (Grades K-2)
- Farming in a Glove (Grades K-2)
- Magic Beans and Giant Plants
- My Little Seed House and Seed Book
- How Does Your Garden Grow? (Grades 3-5)
- Color in the Garden
- Farming in a Glove (Grades 3-5)