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Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom

About Us

Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom

The Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom program provides agricultural information through teaching resources and lesson plans to help K-12 students develop an understanding of how their food is grown and raised. The program works within existing curricula to provide basic information on the nation's largest industry: agriculture.

Ag in the Classroom has been staffed and coordinated by Wisconsin Farm Bureau since 1983, when the program was introduced in the state. This agricultural education program provides free, hands-on and interactive agricultural information, following current curriculum standards, that make learning about food, farming and careers in agriculture fun. Visit the Educator Center to learn more about the lesson plans and teaching resources available.

Ag in the Classroom is funded by agricultural groups, a grant through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and by donations to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation.

On a local level, county Ag in the Classroom coordinators and other volunteers help arrange teacher trainings, workshops, set up agriculture lesson plans, talk about careers in agriculture, order materials and more. Find your local contact here.

If you have questions or would like more information about Wisconsin's Ag in the Classroom programs or initiatives, you can contact the state coordinator using this online form.

"As a teacher, I find the resources and materials Ag in the Classroom provides to be invaluable. Lesson plans and ag literacy ideas are readily available at my fingertips. Lessons are easy to use, interactive, hands-on and are tied to content-based standards. My students and I always enjoy getting our hands dirty and learning about Wisconsin's #1 industry, agriculture!"

- Livia D., fourth grade teacher

National Agriculture in the Classroom

Agriculture in the Classroom is a national, grassroots program coordinated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agriculture in the Classroom supports state-operated agricultural education programs by providing ideas, materials and maintaining a network of individuals and organizations that support its mission.

These state-operated agriculture programs may be housed in farm organizations, private associations, foundations, institutions of higher education or within governmental organizations. AITC encourages teachers to embed agricultural information into classroom lessons plans to help K-12 students understand and appreciate the food, fuel and fiber system that we rely on every day.